Sunday, June 26, 2011


Have you travelled by bus from one place another and enjoyed it? Was the trip eventful, boring or just that plain ol' annoying trip your family made you endure?
Growing up in Ghana, public transport was the order of the day. It beat walking in the scorching African sun and well, even though there are times walking was a better alternative, the stories and issues which went on these buses were hilarious...entertaining to say the least.
Imagine travelling from Accra to Kumasi, someone stands up and proceeds to sell their wares in the bus. From one wonder cures for all ailments to penis enhancements. The best was when these hitch hiking salesmen would begin with prayer and a sermon to rival the Pope's on All Saints's day.
As long and painful as these trips were for the numerous folks who used our bus system, the stress of inefficiency, the cramped space for tall fellows, there was a sense of the theatrical. You knew you would meet a character, see an amazing sight or be mad stiff when you got to your destination. It made you appreciate your freedom and other liberties we take for granted.
I miss those trips...

Saturday, June 25, 2011


I have not been here in a while and well there was good reasoning for the departure from my mode of venting and media for saying how I felt.
Well, I have a new toy which offers the luxury of unlimited web access so I'm back with a fever to write. Thank-you.